Delia is presenting an immersive installation, built specifically for il-Kamra ta’ Fuq, to encapsulate the whole room and transform it into a surreal space. The subject tackled is that of migration within the Mediterranean and the sad and alarming situation that many got too comfortable with. With the use of various media – light, sound and visuals – Delia will be transporting the viewer to another place, where the experience of the observer will be a homage to the so many migrants who lose their life while searching for a better one. The installation offers different levels of interpretation and legibility, from the idyllic to the shocking reality.

Delia has a special interest in migration, being herself part of a family who had to migrate various times to different countries along the decades and is very compassionate towards the people who have no choice but to leave everything behind.
This project was partly inspired by a map Delia came across, from Migreurop, showing the number of persons who disappeared or passed away in the Mediterranean.

The installation was first exhibited in December 2021 in Malta, and then for the Circulation(s) Festival at Centquatre Paris in 2023. The target areas are the Libyan and Tunisian coast, up to the Maltese islands. Unfortunately, the tragedy is larger, another installation could be created covering a wider area.
The Last Breath has been shortlisted for the Social Art Award at the ArtzID Community Awards in Malta in 2022.

Installation at Il-Kamra ta' Fuq, Malta (2021)

Installation at Circulation(s) festival, Le Centquatre Paris (2023)